Durable, readable tests

Anyone who has written tests is familiar with our friend the setUp() fixture method. We use setUp() to do all that work that's common across all our tests. It can be used to reduce repetition within our tests, making them simpler, and more readable. Unfortunately testing can get a little more complicated when you need to sense behavior through a dependency.

Take this class below which decides which developer is on-call using a Chain of Responsibility pattern.

class DeveloperOnCall_Bob implements DeveloperOnCall {
    public function getOnCallDeveloper() {
        if($this->_date->inRange('2010-07-19', '2010-07-26')) {
            return 'Bob';
        return $this->_nextLinkInChain->getOnCallDeveloper();

A lot of people would just load their test methods with mock object declarations and probably end up with something like this:

class DeveloperOnCall_BobTest extends TestCase {
    public function testShouldReturnBobWhenHeIsOnCall() {
        $date = new Date('2010-07-21'); // date in range!
        $nextLinkInChain = $this->getMock('DeveloperOnCall ',
        $actual = $this->_getClassUnderTest($date,
        $this->assertEquals('Bob', $actual,
             'Bob should be on call!');

    public function testShouldNotReturnBobWhenHeIsOnNotCall() {
        $date = new Date('2010-07-30'); // date not in range!
        $nextLinkInChain = $this->getMock('DeveloperOnCall ',
        $actual = $this->_getClassUnderTest($date,

    private function _getClassUnderTest(Date $date,
         DeveloperOnCall $nextLinkInChain) {
        return new DeveloperOnCall_Bob($date, $nextLinkInChain);

How good is this test? Lots of setup in those test methods. A bit hard to read. The two tests are very similar yet given this design its very hard to reuse that similar code. If the way those dependencies work changes (as they often do during development) both these tests break and need to be fixed separately.

There is another way though. Lets configure our dependencies somewhat lazily. Consider this alternative:

class DeveloperOnCall_BobTest extends TestCase {
    public function setUp() {
        $this->_date =  $this->getMock('Date', array('inRange')),
        $this->_nextLinkInChain = $this->getMock('DeveloperOnCall',
         $this->_classUnderTest = new DeveloperOnCall_Bob(

    public function testShouldReturnBobWhenHeIsOnCall() {

    public function testShouldNotReturnBobWhenHeIsOnNotCall() {

    private function whenDateIs($inRange) {
        return $this;

    private duringBobsOnCallTime() {
        return true;

    private notDuringBobsOnCallTime() {
        return false;

    private function theNextLinkShould($expects) {
        return $this;

    private neverBeCalled() {
        return $this->never();

    private beCalledOnce() {
        return $this->once();

    private function andTheDeveloperOnCallShouldBe($dev) {
            "Wrong developer is on call!"

This last example may be a but longer than the previous but it seems almost like comparing paragraphs and bullet points in terms of readability. This test is extremely expressive. It is clear and to the point. A person who has never worked with this library can easily see the author's intent.

Finally, if the dependencies change the code that mocks those dependencies is only in setUp() and private methods so the test methods themselves will not need to change.

Code smell: Too many private methods

I mentioned this in my last post so I figured I'd add some examples to clarify. Consider the following code:

class Cache {
    public function set($key, $data) {
        if($this->_useMemcache()) {
            $this->_setInMemcache($key, $data);
        } elseif($this->_useFilesystem()) {
            $this->_setInFilesystem($key, $data);
        } else {
            $this->_setInMemory($key, $data);

Its part of a class that would be used for caching data. If you had a view of all the methods on this class there would be groups of similar methods: those with "memcache" in the name, "filesystem" in the name, and "memory" in the name. On any given operation when one "memcache" method would be used other "memcache" methods are used with it. The same would be true for the "filesystem" and "memory" methods.

If this class were around for a while eventually you'd find yourself saying "Damn, I want to reuse this functionality for writing to memcache, but I don't want the whole Cache system."

If this class was built without tests and you ended up with the task to add them you'd be saying "Holy fucking shit of shit, this is fuckin hard to test" in a Lewis Black voice as you wildly shook from side to side. This is your Minnesota winter (google it).

What we really want is separate classes for caching in memcache, the filesystem, and in memory. You could probably wire these together using a Chain of Responsibility patttern. The Chain of Responsibility essentially lets you create a series of fallbacks.

Client: "I need to cache this data."

Memcache: "I don't want to cache this data but I know someone who might. Do you want to cache this data?"

Filesystem: "I'm watching my show, fuck off. Memory, get the fuck in here? Cache this for me."

Memory: "I have no feeling of self-worth and will grow up to be an unsuccessful empty shell of a man, so I may as well comply. OK, filesystem, I'll cache it."

Anyways, once you understand the Single Responsibility Principle you'd never write this Cache class in the first place. Its obviously flawed. Clear as day. Sometime you don't find out until you're already coding though.

The less obvious case

About a year and a half ago I was writing a class that could read and write language translations from a excel file. The class was going to be used to import it into a database or export what was in the database into a spreadsheet. I already had an interface I used to access translations from other sources so I started implementing it. I used a 3rd-party library, PHPExcel, for traversing the grid, reading, and writing.

I was learning PHPExcel's API as I went. We also had somewhat complex schema that the spreadsheet needed to fit. There could be a variable number of columns depending on how many languages were translated, and any number of rows because new strings were always being added or removed.

I got it working but was left with lots of private methods that did what I needed to conveniently on the spreadsheet. I had a good tool to work with (PHPExcel) but I needed more. I should have had a class which used PHPExcel but traversed the data in the way I needed.

Since then our translation files have grown and we found that PHPExcel is a memory hog. Exporting a few hundred (maybe up to a thousand) rows takes several minutes. I've profiled the code and the problem is PHPExcel (FWIW, I hear there are some newer features in later versions that may fix this). Unfortunately, if we wanted to replace PHPExcel with a faster library we have to tear apart the class I wrote because its all cooked in there, hiding complexities in private methods.

Had I separated my concerns properly replacing the underlying Excel reader/writer would be simply a matter of writing a new class with the interface needed to work with my translation importer/exporter class.

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